
Frequently Asked

Read through some of our frequently asked questions to find out more.

General FAQs

How do I sign up?

Go to the Sign Up section of our website.

Can every household have a Golden Recycling bin?

Some postcode areas are not yet included. We’re pacing the roll out of the Golden Recycling service and we’re adding suburbs all the time. So make sure you sign up and check if your postcode area is included. Everyone is welcome to sign up and be on our waitlist.

Which households are eligible for the Golden Recycling t service?

Households that can commit to collecting a minimum of 200 container deposits at least twice a year.

Why can’t every household have a Golden Recycling bin?

Our aim is to be as carbon efficient as we can and so we currently limit our service to households who can commit to recycling a minimum of 200 containers and having this collected at least twice a year.

Why don’t you service every suburb?

We intend to expand to every suburb as soon as we can. Follow us on social media or sign up so you’ll be the first to know when we announce your suburb.

When will I get my bin?

Your bin will be delivered within 10 business days of signing up.

What if I don't live in a Golden Recycling serviced area?

We’re working on rolling out our service as efficiently as we can and are adding new suburbs all the time. Make sure you sign up and follow us on social media Facebook and Instagram to be kept in the loop about when we’ll be servicing your suburb.

Is this a service provided by my local council?

No, this initiative is operated independently and is owned and located in South Australia.

What do I put in a Golden Recycling bin?

Only 10¢ refundable bottles, cans and containers are processed for a refund. Please do not place other recyclables or waste in our bins.

Do I need to be home to accept my bin?

You don’t need to be home when the first bin is delivered, just tell us a safe place to leave it.

Do you recycle anything else than cans?

Yes, we also deal in recycleable paper, cardboards and All sorts of Scrap metals

Bin Care & Collection

Who owns the bin?

Golden Recycling owns the bin. Please take all reasonable steps to keep the bin in a safe place so it does not get damaged, or stolen.

Can I use the collection bin for other things?

No! Think of your bin like a big money box! The more empty deposit containers you include the more you’ll earn! And remember your Golden Recycling bin is only for deposit containers.

Why do Golden Recycling track how many times I book a collection?

We provide households with a free bin in good faith. In return we ask that it will be used in the best and most efficient way. The Golden Recycling service has been designed to help you stop throwing money away and start recycling for good. So to make sure our service is the best it can be we want our community to be actively engaged in this recycling initiative and, in return, we ask you to book a collection once your bin is full and commit to twice a year

What if I forget to book a collection?

We know time flies! So we’ll contact you if we notice you haven’t booked a pick up. In the event you can’t commit to at least two collections a year we’ll arrange to collect your bin.

Do you have scheduled collection days?

No, when your bin is full sign in and request a collection from the available dates.

Does my bin need to be full, before it’s collected?

It doesn’t need to be absolutely full, but it does need to have at least 200 deposit containers which is about three quarters full (this is based on average deposit containers for a four person household and can vary).

What if I don't live in a Golden Recycling serviced area?

We’re working on rolling out our service as efficiently as we can and are adding new suburbs all the time. Make sure you sign up and follow us on social media Facebook and Instagram to be kept in the loop about when we’ll be servicing your suburb.

Where do I put my bin when it's ready to be collected?

Remember your Golden Recycling bin is full of deposit containers, and this can be very attractive to passers-by. So keep your bin in a secure but reasonably accessible place, and we’ll arrange to collect it from your nominated place. Just make sure we can access the bin safely and won’t encounter any obstacles like dogs, locked gates or flights of stairs!

Do I need to clean my containers?

Containers should be empty of liquid and their lids removed. You don’t need to wash them.

Do I need to crush my containers?

If you can, yes, compress cans. This will help maximise the space available in the bin but is not mandatory.

Do you accept all drink containers?

No – only deposit containers. If you’re not sure, check the label and remember to always look for the 10c label.

Why does my bin look cleaner after collection day?

We take your entire bin to an approved collection depot and replace it with a clean, empty bin. It’s all part of the service!

Account & Pricing

How will I know how much I’ll receive?

Within five days of collecting your bin we’ll send you notification of:

· The number of deposit containers we recorded from your bin

· The total deposit funds we have paid into your nominated account

How can a charity or club become a participating partner?

Head here to submit an application, we will be in touch with information on the next steps.

How do I know my donation has gone to the selected charity?

Just like any donation to charity, Golden Recycling will send you a receipt made out to you that shows the money has been paid to the charity you have nominated. Check with your financial advisor if you’re able to claim it as a tax deduction. Receipts will be issued at the end of the financial year.

Can I choose the charity my money goes to?

Yes. We work directly with selected charities – from major, well-known organisations even local sports and community clubs – these are listed on our website here.

Can I nominate my sporting club?

Absolutely, we welcome all sporting clubs. Please contact us or get your club to get in touch with Golden Recycling  here.

Why has Golden Recycling closed my account?

Your account may be closed for any of the following reasons:

  • You failed to book two collections in the last twelve-month period

  • You have failed to comply with the Terms & Conditions of your agreement with Golden Recycling.

We’ll notify you via sms or email should we need to permanently collect your bin and finalise your account

What happens when my Golden Recycling account is closed?

We’ll be in touch via sms or email, and arrange your final collection (generally within ten days). You’ll need to make sure the bin is accessible. We’ll collect it and make a final deposit payment to your nominated bank account.

Our 240L bins can hold around 200 containers.

Only 10¢ refundable bottles, cans and containers are processed for a refund.

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